Enumeration TokenType

Enumeration Members

AND: 26


Assert: 8

The assert keyword.

Bang: 18


BangEqual: 25


Caret: 33
Colon: 44

The : symbol

Comma: 41


Dot: 42


Each: 10

The each keyword.

Echo: 9

The echo keyword.

Else: 5

The else keyword.

Eot: 1

Eot is always pushed as the last token and used by the parser to detect the endo of the file.

Equal: 24


EqualEqual: 23


Error: 0
False: 16

The false keyword.

FilenameInChevrons: 46

The filename of an imported file e.g. '<file.scad>'

For: 6

The for keyword.

Function: 3

The function keyword.

Greater: 20
GreaterEqual: 22


Hash: 45

The '#' symbol

Identifier: 12

An identifier, represents a function, module or variable name

If: 4

The if keyword.

Include: 47

The include keyword.

LeftBrace: 38

Left brace: {

LeftBracket: 36

Left bracket: [

LeftParen: 34

Left parenthesis: (

Less: 19


LessEqual: 21


Let: 7

The let keyword.

Minus: 29
Module: 2

The module keyword.

NumberLiteral: 14

A number literal.

OR: 27


Percent: 32
Plus: 28
QuestionMark: 43

The ? symbol

RightBrace: 39

Right brace: }

RightBracket: 37

Right bracket: ]

RightParen: 35

Right parenthesis: )

Semicolon: 40


Slash: 31
Star: 30
StringLiteral: 13

A string literal (e.g. quoted color names)

True: 15

The true keyword.

Undef: 17

The undef keyword.

Use: 11

The use keyword.

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